
  • 18" Alphabet Kit

    This kit is the thin style letters which are 9" wide and have a brush stroke of 2.25" on the 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $230 on sale for $180

  • 36" Alphabet kit

    This kit is the thin style letters that are 9" wide with a Vert. brush stroke of 2.25" and Horiz. brush stroke of 4". Its cut on 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $645 on sale for $450

  • 36" Drive

    This is a standard 36" Drive with 4" brush stroke and 16" wide letters on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $75 on sale for $35

  • 36" Lane

    This is a standard 36" Lane with 4" brush stroke and 16" wide letters on 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $135 on sale for $70

  • 36" Only

    These are both standard 36" Only with 4" brush stroke and 16" wide letters I have 2 of them on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $75 on sale for $35 each

  • 8' Yield

    This is the standard 8' letters 16" wide and 4" brush stroke, has small holes in some corners to hang and the plastic is older so it has yellowed. On 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $275 on sale for $155

  • 39" ADA

    This is our standard 39" ADA logo on 1/16 plastic rarely ordered.

    Normally $60 on sale for $40

  • 48" ADA

    This is our bigger standard ADA which is 48" tall 42" wide on the 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $125 on sale for $80

  • Straight Arrow

    This arrow is 73.25" tall 40" wide. The head is 36.25" wide. The tail is 36.5" tall and 12" wide. There is a .25" space between them. Its on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $90 on sale for $40

  • 8" Principle

    Standard 8" letters I have 2 of them both on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $ 40 on sale for $20 each

  • 8" No public

    Standard 8" letters on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $40 on sale for $20

  • 8" Residents Only

    Standard 8" letters on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $60 on sale for $30

  • 8" Residential

    Standard 8" letters on 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $70 on sale for $40

  • 12" Compact

    Standard 12" letters on 1/16 plastic.

    Normally $50 on sale for $30

  • Rail Road R

    72" tall and 13" wide on 1/8 plastic.

    Normally $120 on sale for $50